Low glycemic foods? |
A few years ago my aunt revealed some grim news at a family
dinner: she had type 2 diabetes. Within her news was a silver lining: after
delivering the news, her doctor asked her to follow a low-glycemic diet to
control her blood sugar levels.
I consider that a silver lining because, contrary to what
many health professionals recommend, many doctors still resort to low-fat diets
to control diabetes, when sugar remains the culprit for high blood sugar and
insulin levels. By default, a low-fat diet will be higher in sugar. It makes no sense.
Rather than resort to the “eat less/ exercise more” cliché,
her doctor told my aunt to focus on lower-sugar foods and recommended Dr. Jennie
Brand-Miller’s book The Low GI Diet
Revolution, which was an astronomical step in the right direction.
Trouble was, my aunt carried this and several other books
around everywhere she went. She consulted charts in restaurants and grocery
stores to ensure she only had low-glycemic foods on her plate and cart. She
once had the nerve to reprimand me for ordering a sweet potato, which has a
glycemic index of – gasp! – 70. And some of her food choices, even though low
on the glycemic index, were less-than-optimal.
In short, she became a pain in the ass. Everything became a
number, which dissolved every ounce of joy my aunt once experienced with
The glycemic index had overtaken her life.
What the Hell is the Glycemic Index Anyway!?