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You can't out-exercise a bad diet |
“I thought burning a ton of
calories when I trained gave me permission to eat whatever I wanted,” he
admitted. “Guess not.”
While I felt relieved to be off the
hook for his fat gain (notice how I didn’t say weight gain), this
situation provided a potent reminder lifting heavy or burst training didn’t
give anyone carte blanche to eat whatever they wanted.
On the contrary, when you work out
hard, you want to choose nutrient-dense, protein-rich foods to support muscle
synthesis, repair, and recovery. Sorry, but a double with fries along with a
chocolate shake at In-And-Out Burger – a staple in my client’s meal plan – does
not fit into that nutrient-dense food category.
My client got me to thinking about
common dietary mistakes athletes and heavy lifters make that jeopardize their
success. Some are just bad habits that need a little (or a lot of)
tweaking. Other things you might not even realize can be detrimental; you might
even consider them healthy. And that last one I mention might totally shock
you, but I see it all the time among fitness types.
Tough though it was to narrow down,
these are the top seven mistakes that derail your fitness goals, your weight,
and your health.
Gorging on overpriced candy bars
protein bars
Loaded with protein, convenient,
and delicious-tasting… Okay, most protein bars don’t actually taste delicious,
but I’ll give you the first two. Convenience comes at a cost: A few weeks ago I
discussed how many protein bars – loaded with cheap soy protein isolate,
artificial sweeteners, and unpronounceable crappy ingredients – basically
constituted expensive,
fortified candy bars.
Evidently no one at my gym reads my
blogs, because I witnessed two men in the past week scarfing down junky
protein bars purchased at the front desk. (If my training gig ever falls
through, I can start a Jinifit Food-and Fitness Intervention business.)
You’ve got so many better pre- and
post-workout options than shoveling in a cardboard-box tasting wad of corn
syrup, damaged protein, and magnesium oxide (the poorest-absorbed form of
Nuts and seeds make great snacks.
So do real foods like chicken breast, hard-boiled eggs, and raw veggies. I
know: They don’t have that enthralling sugary flavor your protein bar gives. At
least stick with my five
Jinifit recommendations if you choose the protein bar
Using cheap protein powders
I’m a huge fan of warehouse stores.
Massive quantities at super-cheap prices: God bless America! Stock up on toilet
paper and legal pads, but do a massive U-turn with your cart when you get to
the supplements section.
I’ve written before about how most
commercial supplements are junk. That goes double for protein
powders. Sure, getting a gargantuan tub of vanilla-flavored whey protein for
under $20 is quite the temptation, but look at its ingredients and you’ll see
it’s no bargain.
High heat denatures (damages) the
fragile amino acids when many manufacturers process commercial whey. But that’s
the least of your problems as you read through that container’s lengthy
ingredient list. Good luck pronouncing some of those things.
Many bargain-basement protein
powders aren’t just whey. They come blended with casein (from milk and a
potential food intolerance), albumin (from egg; ditto on food intolerances),
soy protein isolate (all-around garbage), or some rancid protein combination.
Whatever you get, it won’t be a
Despite the recent backlash
(plant-based protein powders are the new it protein), I’m a big whey
fan. Just look for a high-quality powder with few ingredients, no artificial
sweeteners or other additives, and no more than five grams of sugar per
serving. Hint: You’re not going to find it at your warehouse superstore.
Making a cheat meal a trans fat,
HFCS debacle
Cheat day makes busting my butt all
week at the gym totally worth it. Maybe I’ve got my eye set on some chocolate-y
concoction at a local bakery, or I’ll go out with my boyfriend to that new
gluten-free Italian restaurant. I earn my cheat day and I take full advantage
of it.
What I advise my clients not
to do is turn cheat day into an all-out carb blowout. You know what I’m talking
about. You start the morning with a sugary, creamy coffee drink (my friend JJ
Virgin calls them adult milkshakes) and a few krullers. By noon, all eyes are
on you when your receptionist asked who ate all her chocolate chip cookies. You
would argue back, but you’ve already lapsed into your day’s first sugar coma.
Enjoy your cheats, but do them
mindfully. If you’re craving cake, go to the best bakery and get a slice. Don’t
swing by Safeway after work, buy one of those prepackaged cakes with a frozen
pizza, and devour the whole thing with a six-pack of Heineken watching season
one of Game of Thrones on DVD. I don’t care how hard you’ve
worked at the gym. No damage control can save you there.
Speaking of pigging out,
intermittent fasting (IF) has become all the rage in fitness circles. I’ve got
mixed feelings about it (I’ll save that for another blog), but starving
yourself for hours or days and then going whole-hog on a deep-dish pepperoni
and two pints of Ben & Jerry’s is not the way to do IF, but it’s a
surefire strategy to derail your fitness goals.
Dairy-ing out
Got milk? I certainly hope not, yet
the “chocolate milk as your ideal post-exercise fuel” myth refuses to die. I
still see the ads in some gyms. Protein and carbs: The ideal refueling drink,
“But where do I get my calcium?” a
(usually female) newbie usually asks me. The dairy industry spends billions
convincing us unless we have two glasses of skim milk every day, we’ll become
calcium deficient and develop osteoporosis by 48.
For strong bones, skip the
milk and focus on leafy greens as well as nuts and seeds (excellent calcium
sources). Take a high-quality bone-support supplement, lift heavy, and
incorporate some safe high impact
exercise into your routine. Those are your best defenses for strong, supple
bones as you age.
Dairy mania goes beyond milk.
Low-fat fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt still gets touted as health food in some
circles, even though it can have more sugar than a candy bar. (Seriously.) And
don’t even get me started on the fro-yo trend touting its “healthy” probiotics.
I don’t think dairy is entirely
bad, though I become increasingly concerned about the hormones and antibiotics
conventional cows are fed and shot up with. Too many problems exist with modern
dairy farms, and too many healthier alternatives like coconut milk exist today.
If you’re not intolerant, Greek
yogurt can be very healthy and delicious blended with frozen berries. (Tastes
like ice cream!) But you don’t need dairy for strong bones or anything
else, and downing a pint of fat-free mint cookie ice cream isn’t going to do
any wonders for your performance or your waistline.
Crutching on a java jolt
God help the man or woman who tries
to take away my morning dark roast. I think coffee is perfectly healthy and
I’ve got an arsenal of studies to prove my point.
What becomes unhealthy is
using caffeine to pull you through the day after a crappy night’s sleep. If
you’re downing your third cup to get a pick-me-up, you need to do some
soul-searching to determine what’s causing your energy lag. A
good night’s sleep might be required, or it could be
something more complex like adrenal or thyroid issues.
Among its problems, excessive
caffeine keeps your stress hormone cortisol revved up. That’s OK in the
morning, when cortisol should be highest, and even during your workout, which
also raises cortisol a little bit. But after your workout and as evening
unfolds, your cortisol levels should gradually taper till you’re nice and
Having a cup of coffee
post-workout, then, becomes a really bad idea. Among elevated cortisol’s
problems, it breaks down muscle and stores fat. Especially for slow
metabolizers, caffeine can also keep you tossing at night, creating a vicious
A holistic practitioner recently
told me she treated coffee medicinally. She enjoyed it, and she appreciated how
the caffeine gave her workout a boost. But like a drug, she didn’t overuse it
because excessive caffeine becomes a Jekyll-and-Hyde stimulant.
Ignoring food intolerances
“Look, they have a gluten-free menu
now!” my friend said sarcastically about a recent favorite restaurant. “I guess
they officially fit in with the cool crowd.”
I know what she’s talking about.
Seems like gluten-free everything has become the rage, whether that’s my
favorite bakery doing gluten-free chocolate chip cookies or a favorite brunch
spot’s banana walnut gluten-free pancakes. You’re a smart reader. You know just
because it has “gluten-free” in the title doesn’t automatically make it
Because “going gluten free” has
become a laughingstock phrase in some circles, overlooking food intolerances
has become too easy. They do exist, and their symptoms are rarely
immediate or obvious. Fatigue, inflammation, brain fog, and bloating are some
of those symptoms that could steal your performance and your confidence.
Several food sensitivities tests
exist, but a more practical, cost-efficient way to determine whether you have
food intolerances is to completely remove the offending food and document any
changes you might feel. I had a friend completely remove dairy and bam,
her headaches disappeared after four days.
Perhaps the most controversial food
intolerance is eggs. In the fitness world, we love eggs, but eating them
every morning like some folks in the low-carb/ Paleo world do can create
intolerances over time.
I recommend cycling eggs: Keep them
to three or four days a week. And for the love of all things good, please do
not ever order an egg-white omelet around me (unless you just hate the
taste of yolks.)
Becoming so abstemious that you
don’t enjoy your food
Los Angeles is swarming with these
places. I think of them as fast food for health freaks, and you’ll often see
people in spandex and spray-tanned over-exposing tank tops frequenting them.
You can get a bland chicken breast
atop soggy greens or the aforementioned egg-white omelet along with various
protein-enhanced juices at such places. Nothing tastes particular good, but
that’s not the point. You’re here to get your post-workout grub on, even if the
food offerings make hospital cafeteria food taste like a four-star gourmet
I often hear the phrase “eating
clean” among fitness foods. Becoming so religiously fixated on eating “clean”
drains every ounce of pleasure from your diet. Healthy foods can be delicious
(avocado, anyone?), and especially as an athlete, you can occasionally indulge
in your favorite foods without suffering a major metabolic debt.
Balance is key here. Eating
In-And-Out Burger all the time isn’t healthy, but neither is obsessing over how
many calories your meal contains or worrying whether kale provides more
nutrients than broccoli. Eat mostly whole foods, let yourself eat your
favorites every so often, and enjoy your meals. Life is short.
Your Turn
What's the number-one dietary mistake you see fitness
folks frequently make? Maybe you used to make that mistake yourself before you
"saw the light." Share your thoughts below or on my Facebook fan page.
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Fitness expert and strength coach Jini Cicero, CSCS, teaches intermediate exercisers how to blast through plateaus to create incredible transformations. Are you ready to take your fitness to a whole new level? Find out now! Take Jini's "Are you Ready?" Quiz at www.Jinifit.com. © 2011 Jinifit, Inc. |
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