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There is no dairy in this picture |
I’ve talked with several doctors at conferences
and, indeed, they all see a disturbing trend among osteoporosis or osteoporotic
symptoms in patients as young as 30.
“The sooner we understand that young women can
and do fracture bones and develop osteoporosis the better,” says Canada’s CEMCOR (The Centre
for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research). “Also, the sooner we accept that
the bone we build in our childhood and teen years provides a ‘bone bank’ from
which we can borrow in older age the better.” Very well put.
My client felt especially frustrated because
she did all the “right” things. She drank at least three glasses of fat-free skim milk, took calcium supplements, and attended spin classes three times every week. Shouldn’t that – maybe not exempt, but at least minimize her risk for osteoporosis?
she did all the “right” things. She drank at least three glasses of fat-free skim milk, took calcium supplements, and attended spin classes three times every week. Shouldn’t that – maybe not exempt, but at least minimize her risk for osteoporosis?
Nope, and here’s why.
How Does Osteoporosis Develop?
Contrary to what you might think, bone isn’t a
stagnant structure. Rather, breakdown and remodeling involves a complex
interaction of replacing older bone with new, vibrant bone. Even as you sit
here reading this, your bones are going through this repair process.
When you have osteoporosis, your body isn’t
replacing that new bone. Not only that; you’re probably reabsorbing too much
existing bone. Bone deterioration occurs over many years and even decades and
paves the path for osteoporosis with its numerous complications including
fractures, falls, and other injuries.
What Creates Osteoporosis?
Common culprits for osteoporosis include:
Smoking – you’re not doing that, right?
Over-drinking alcohol – you’re not doing this
either, I hope.
A sedentary lifestyle – even if you’re working
out, sitting most of your day “undoes” much of that effort.
Gender – yeah, osteoporosis targets mostly women,
but guys, you’re not off the hook. Researchers
estimate of the 10 million Americans with osteoporosis, about two million are
Genetics – can’t do much here. Just remember
genetics loads the gun but environment pulls the trigger.
Many people attribute age to increased bone loss.
While that’s a factor, growing older doesn’t automatically entail frail,
weakening bones. (Likewise, as my client discovered, being young doesn’t exclude you from developing osteoporosis.)
No matter your age, there’s tons within your control to prevent bone breakdown. As you’ll see,
strategies to maintain healthy bones have nothing to do with milk or calcium
Got Milk? I Hope Not
If you believe those well-funded dairy ads,
you’re going to keel over dead if you don’t drink at least three glasses of milk every day. They’ve even targeted my gym with
their post-workout chocolate milk nonsense.
Trust me, I’ve known folks who’ve been dairy free
for decades and have strong, healthy bones.
Yeah, milk’s got calcium, but it’s also got
hormones, antibiotics, protein fractions that can create reactions in your
body, and lactose (sugar). Even if you’re not lactose intolerant, you don’t
need or want that excess sugar.
While many studies associate dairy consumption
with strong bones, a little sleuthing reveals the dairy industry funds many of
them. A multi-billion dollar industry, the dairy-for-strong-bones crowd
conveniently overlooks studies that show otherwise.
One of these studies was hard to miss: The
Nurses’ Health Study lasted 12 years and involved almost 78,000
middle-aged (34 – 59) women.
Are you ready for this? Researchers found women
who drank more milk had the highest risk
of bone fractures.
Yep. They concluded “data do not support the
hypothesis that higher consumption of milk or other food sources of calcium by
adult women protects against hip or forearm fractures.”
My friend JJ Virgin discusses more damning dairy
evidence in her book The Virgin Diet. Among her findings: The highest milk-consuming countries
also have the highest levels of osteoporosis.
Listen, I love unsweetened Greek yogurt. I even
occasionally eat ice cream. If you’re a raw-dairy enthusiast, keep it. What
pisses me off is the erroneous assumption that dairy is the only source for calcium. Hardly.
What’s Up with Calcium?
Why is calcium such a big deal for bone health?
Well, your body stores most calcium in your bones, which demand that mineral to
maintain strength and structure.
But calcium isn’t a more-is-better nutrient. As
with anything, balance becomes key and calcium plays an intricate, complex
give-and-take role in bone formation and remodeling. Your bones aren’t going to
store crazy amounts of calcium like an all-you-can-eat buffet.
In fact, gulping large amounts of cheap calcium
supplements can become detrimental. One study found high calcium intake increases your
risk for bone fractures as you get older.
In the correct amounts, calcium plays a key role
in bone health. But so do numerous other nutrients, including vitamin D and
boron. If you’re OD-ing on calcium from poor sources like cheap supplements and
skim milk, you’re missing some serious pieces to a big, complex puzzle.
The High-Protein Myth
Too much protein makes your bones more acidic,
leeching calcium and other precious nutrients, right? I still hear that
occasionally from protein-phobic folks.
Chalk up another myth.
The famous Framingham Osteoporosis
Study looked at protein
consumption in older folks. Again, this wasn’t a “little” study. It took place
over four years and studied 615 men and women who ate anywhere from 14 – 175
grams of protein a day.
Who do you bet had less bone loss here? It
had to be the higher-protein people, right? Since large amounts of protein
leech… Well, you know.
Researchers found those who ate more
protein had less bone loss, whereas those who ate less protein had more bone
loss. One reason: You absorb calcium better when you eat more protein.
7 Strategies
for Healthy Bones No Matter What Your Age
If I’ve lost you here, I’ll reiterate: Cheap
calcium supplements and dairy are not
the answer for strong, healthy bones and osteoporosis prevention, and oftentimes
create more harm than good.
So how do you build and maintain strong, supple
bones whether you’re 30 or 70? Glad you asked. These seven strategies create a
solid defense against brittle, weak bones and osteoporosis development no
matter what your age.
exercise. Is there anything burst training and weight resistance, my favorite
two forms of exercise, can’t benefit? Among those benefits include increasing
human growth hormone (HGH) and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1), two hormones
that improve
bone health. A recent New York Times blog discussed how sprinting and
other high-impact exercise could
benefit your bones and reduce osteoporosis risk. One good point
Gretchen Reynolds noted in her blog: Older folks might not handle high-impact
exercise well. I’m a big fan of the X-iser, a low-impact compact machine that
lets you fit burst training in just four minutes. You might also consider a
stairwell or even your park hill for burst training. Combine that with some
weight resistance and you’ve got the perfect long-term bone-health strategy. Find
a trainer who can design a plan that addresses your goals and any limitations.
Control your AGEs. Last week I
talked about how advanced glycation end products, more appropriately called
AGEs, make
your proteins sticky and ineffective at doing their jobs. Well, AGEs
can adversely impact your bones. You see, collagen is a protein that helps
maintain bone structure. Except when those proteins get “gummed” up with sugar,
stiff, brittle bones often result. Especially if you workout, you can
occasionally indulge in something sweet, but excessive high-sugar foods are
like dumping gasoline on an osteoporotic fire.
Eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Rather than calcium deficiencies, Keith
McCormick, author of The Whole-Body
Approach to Osteoporosis, believes chronic inflammation significantly
contributes to bone loss. Inflammation just all-around sucks, especially for
athletes prone to achiness, soreness, and other post-workout miseries. Make
sure you eat plenty of anti-inflammatory omega-3 rich foods like wild-caught
fish and flaxseeds. Sprinkle turmeric onto your veggies. Fish oil and curcumin
should be among your anti-inflammatory supplement arsenal.
Maintain acid-alkaline balance. “All foods upon digestion ultimately must report to the kidneys as either
acid or base,” says says
Dr. Loren Cordain, author of The
Paleo Diet for Athletes. “When the diet yields a net acid load… the acid
must be buffered by the alkaline stores of base in the body. Calcium salts in
the bones represent the largest store of alkaline base in the body and are
depleted and eliminated in the urine when the diet produces a net acid load.”
Easy solution here: Alkalinize your grass-fed steak or wild-caught salmon with
tons of leafy and cruciferous veggies, berries, almonds, and other
nutrient-dense plant foods.
Balance your calcium. I recommend about half your
calcium from food and half from a professional-quality supplement. Sardines,
nuts and seeds, and leafy and cruciferous veggies provide plenty of calcium
without touching a glass of skim milk (yuck!). Supplement those foods with
high-quality bone-support nutrients. I use Oscap Plus™ from Thorne Research, which
synergistically combines calcium with magnesium, vitamin D, boron, and other
nutrients in their correct ratios to support supple, healthy bones.
Chill the hell out. Constantly stressing out does a lot of crappy things, including deteriorating
your bones. One study found stress
contributes to osteoporosis and a vicious cycle ensues. Meditate, breathe
deeply, or take a yoga class… Seriously, find out what works to chill you out
and do it. Your bones and your sanity
are at risk here.
Get deep sleep. One study looked at the
connection between sleep, cognitive function, and osteoporotic fractures in
older women. You guessed it: Crappy quality sleep decreased cognitive function
and put these women at
higher risk for fractures. Stop it with the Lindsay Lohan late-night
partying. You’re not 23 and it’s not cute anymore. Prioritize eight hours of
high-quality, uninterrupted sleep every night.
How big of a priority is bone health and
preventing osteoporosis for you? Share your thoughts and strategies below or on
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Fitness expert and strength coach Jini Cicero, CSCS, teaches intermediate exercisers how to blast through plateaus to create incredible transformations. Are you ready to take your fitness to a whole new level? Find out now! Take Jini's "Are you Ready?" Quiz at www.Jinifit.com. © 2011 Jinifit, Inc. |
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